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Beyond Sympathy: Helping Animals

I don't know why or when it started but I have an immense amount of love for animals and all living things. I have been vegetarian for more than half of my life and I am constantly looking out for creatures in need. I am the type of person whose entire day will be ruined by seeing a dead animal on the road or seeing a helpless injured animal any time any place. When I was younger, I was at the mercy of my parents decision making and for them, helping animals never really crossed their mind. Since having my own transportation and money, I have felt a strong sense of relief in being able to help animals whenever the opportunity is there. Truth is, anyone can help animals and most of the time it is not time consuming.  This blog post will give you some ideas and resources on the following: How to look out for animal abuse and or neglect. Ways you can help stray dogs and cats Feral cat care ideas Information on helping native wildlife First, lets begin with some statistics[1]: Abuse an...

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